Clients for a Cleaning Business: Starting a cleaning business can be an exciting venture, but finding clients can be challenging. In order to grow your business and increase revenue, you need to attract new clients on a regular basis. Here are some tips on how to get clients for a cleaning business.

Identify Your Target Market

Before you start looking for clients, you need to determine who your ideal clients are. Consider factors such as location, business type, and budget. For example, if you specialize in commercial cleaning services, target businesses that operate in office buildings or retail spaces. If residential cleaning is more your focus, consider targeting homeowners in specific neighborhoods or income brackets.

Once you have identified your target market, tailor your marketing efforts accordingly by focusing on the needs of that particular group of potential customers.


Clients for a Cleaning Business

Create a Website

A website is essential for any business these days – including a cleaning service! Make sure yours is professional-looking and includes all necessary information about what services you offer (and at what price points), along with contact information so potential customers can easily reach out with questions or requests for quotes.

Your site should also feature high-quality images of previous work done by your team – before-and-after shots are particularly effective here! This will help demonstrate the quality of work that people can expect from hiring your company.




  • Make sure it’s mobile-friendly: Many people use their smartphones when searching online.
  • Add customer reviews: Potential customers may want social proof before they hire someone.
  • Incorporate search engine optimization (SEO) best practices: This will help improve visibility in search results pages.


Utilize Social Media

Social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter allow businesses to connect directly with potential customers through targeted advertising and regular updates. Make sure you create profiles on these platforms, post regularly (including promotions or discounts), and engage with followers to build relationships.

Instagram is also a great platform for cleaning businesses – use it to showcase your work through photos and short videos. Consider using hashtags like #cleaningtips or #cleaningservices to make your content more discoverable by people who are actively looking for cleaning services online.


Offer Discounts

One of the most effective ways to entice new clients is by offering them a discount on their first service. This could be in the form of a percentage off their total bill or even a free initial consultation – anything that makes it easier for them to try out your services without committing too much money upfront.



  • Make sure the terms are clear: Be specific about what they’re getting.
  • Promote the offer: Use social media, email marketing, and other channels to get the word out.
  • Create urgency: Set an expiration date so people feel compelled to act quickly.



Attend local business events and join networking groups in your area. This will give you an opportunity not only to meet potential clients but also other business owners who may be able to refer customers your way.

Be prepared with business cards, flyers, or brochures that highlight what sets your cleaning service apart from others in the industry.


Ask for Referrals

Word-of-mouth is still one of the most powerful forms of marketing out there! Encourage satisfied clients to refer friends, family members, or colleagues who might need cleaning services themselves.

Consider setting up a referral program that rewards current customers when someone they referred signs up for service.


Provide Exceptional Service

The best way to retain clients is to provide exceptional service. Make sure your cleaning services are thorough and efficient, and always prioritize the needs of your clients.

This means being responsive to their requests, showing up on time for appointments, and going above and beyond when necessary. Happy customers will not only be more likely to recommend you to others but also continue using your services themselves.




  • Ask for feedback: Follow up with customers after each appointment to make sure they’re satisfied.
  • Offer customized solutions: Everyone’s cleaning needs are different – tailor your approach accordingly.
  • Train employees well: If you have a team working with you, ensure that everyone knows what’s expected of them in terms of quality standards.


By implementing these strategies consistently over time, you’ll be able to attract new clients while retaining existing ones – helping your cleaning business grow steadily into the future!


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